5 money saving ideas for Southeast Asia

5 money saving ideas for Southeast Asia

This is a guest publish from the inspiring, 21 year old Millie from the web site Millie Goes. inspect out her finest money saving ideas for SE Asia as well as discover a lot more about Millie down below in the Author’s Bio.

Travelling with the gorgeous countries of Southeast Asia is a sure method to check out at the ideal price! one of the least expensive regions in the world for backpackers, it supplies us with an insight into the interesting cultures as well as traditions in the area, not to mention the inexpensive beer! But, no matter where you are, travelling on a wise budget plan always helps.

I’ve detailed a few things you can do to make sure you get the very best value for money while sojourning with jungles & islands!

Selling fruit with the regional women in Hoi An, Vietnam

So your typical backpacker lodging will expense you anywhere between $2-$10/night as well as it both depends upon the level of tidiness you can online with as well as where you are (ie. it’s going to be a lot more costly in central Bangkok than a middle of nowhere town).

You’ll likewise discover that there are a great deal of guesthouses too, which is essentially a extremely fundamental hotel/B&B mixed into one. I’ve discovered that the household frequently still lives in the home as well as they book out their other spaces as bedrooms. This is best if you’re a couple as it indicates it’s just as inexpensive for your own space as a hostel bed each!

Tips for your Budget

Look around – You can often get guesthouses/hostels to match costs to as well as get a much better deal

Air-con – is always worth an additional $1 or two here… Always

Cockroaches – will show up in a space that is $2 or $500; it’s Southeast Asia so don’t pay a lot more since they state they’re not there, they are lying to you.

Price – you will always discover somewhere for $2 if you requirement to

Couchsurfing – you can do couch surfing in Asia too!

Beach Hut home in Cambodia for $2 per night!

Now, it’s not all teriyaki dreaming in Asia unfortunately. However, for the most part the cuisine is absolutely delicious! when again, you’re always going to be able to discover a bargain right here depending upon your palate as well as your least expensive choice is to go local. The regional dishes are always going to be kinder to your budget plan anywhere you travel, particularly right here with the street food choice available.

Street food is essentially regional people with a cart who cook in the street (wow the hint truly is in the name huh). You can get hold of a meal for less than a $1 as well as a great deal of the stalls even have some plastic seating so you don’t have to eat on the go!

Just be cautious if you have any type of food allergies, you can still eat the regional food just be extremely remove with the chef about what you can /can’t eat. The regional beer can likewise expense as bit as 10 cents, so have fun with that.

Tips for your Budget

Street Food – eat it whenever you can, it’s cheap, tasty as well as normally fresher than in some restaurants

Local Dishes – even in a restaurant, you can have a regional meal from around $1.50

If in question – spring rolls are usually a risk-free bet & cheap

Street Food in Da Lat Vietnam only $0.30 per item!


As a tourist, you are fair game to anyone! A great deal of the locals will see you as a meal ticket as well as will do anything they can to get a piece of the cash. So right here you requirement to take suggestions from fellow travellers you satisfy on the road, or from a credible hostel/guesthouse owner.

To lease a bike in the exact same town can expense you $5 for a day or $25, as well as the principle is the exact same with any type of activity, from white water rafting to zip lining as well as jungle hikes.

It’s always more affordable in Southeast Asia (there’s a style running right here right), however you can always get an even much better offer if you’re savvy!

Tips for your Budget

Trust – If you get to understand the locals / hostel / guesthouse owners, they’ll always tell you where to get the very best offer & the very best activity

Rule of 3 – always inspect out 3 locations before choosing to make sure you get the very best value for money

Listen – chat to your fellow backpackers on the road, they’ll understand the very best deal

Canyoning in Vietnam on a budget plan thanks to the recommendations of the locals!


So when your typical two-hour train journey to London in the UK routinely costs upwards of $100, you cannot believe the feeling when you discover out that you can travel to different countries for $20in SE Asia!

If you can manage it, your least expensive long distance travel will be a bus as well as it’s once again worth paying the additional $1 for an air-conditioned journey. Buses aren’t the a lot of comfortable, however an overnight bed on a train will expense you a bit more!

For short city travel the tuk-tuk is your finest friend. You can hire one as well as a driver for an entire day at $5-$15 (city depending). You always have to haggle to get the very best cost however they will show you a great time as well as understand the very best sites in the city.

Tips for your budget

Booking – book your travel from your accommodation, they will get you the very best offer on booking rather than the booking agents in town

Bus – taking a bus for long distance is more affordable however not the most comfortable, you can pay a lot more for a VIP bus though!

Haggle – always barter for a tuk-tuk for the very best price, they expect it!

A night Train from Bangkok to northern Thailand


Since I’ve pointed out haggling above, I will alert you that whatever you get in the markets as well as even a number of shops will be done by means of haggling. You cannot be timid when doing this as these people are professionals at what they do as well as understand all the techniques at getting you to part with your money.

Go between stalls as well as discover out the typical cost for the products you want, as well as understand that if you’re buying on a huge market night you will a lot of likely get a much better offer as each stall will be contending against each other for your sale.

Most of all, take pleasure in it though! You can get your harem pants for $5 as well as a notebook for $1, don’t even get me started on the jewellery offers you can get hold of too! keep in mind to get in bulk as you will always get a much better offer – depend on me, try to get with a buddy so you both get your products on the cheap.

Tips for your budget

Haggle – Do it with confidence as well as understand the cost you’re ready to pay before starting the conversation

Shop around – whatever you see you will discover at one more stall so don’t concern if the cost isn’t ideal in one location as it will be elsewhere

Night Markets – always head to the night markets, for bargains as well as great fun!

A tiny market in Cambodia

So, ideally these ideas provide you a great concept on exactly how to save some money in Southeast Asia! You can strike with your money extremely fast, or last for months on a budget plan you might never make it through at house on – it just depends upon exactly how great you are at striking a bargain as well as exactly how delighted you are living like a local. As always – feel complimentary to get in touch with me for any type of additional ideas or recommendations as I’m always delighted to help!


I have skydived, surfed, trekked, swum with huge crocodiles, kissed a komodo dragon, been shot at, dealt with tumbling falls as well as raging rivers, camel raced as well as sipped mixed drinks in over a lots countries. When it pertains to stepping out of your comfort zone; I understand my stuff. It doesn’t matter exactly how you do it; in a 5* resort or camping on a beach. depend on me, depend on yourself, hit the road, it will modification your life.

Follow Millie at Millie Goes, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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